Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why mountaineers climb

It's when sometimes you want to pause life because things are getting way out of hand. When all you ever want to do is sleep or be somewhere where heaven feels closer and that it'll only take you minutes to get there. There in the mountains, where life is made plainer, where the self is being rid off of the use to be's,  where the stars along with all the heavenly bodies are your only entertainment, where meaningful conversations occur. This is where you'll find me, my heaven on Earth.

"On this proud and beautiful mountain we have lived hours of fraternal, warm and exalting nobility. Here for a few days we have ceased to be slaves and have really been men. It is hard to return to servitude.-- Lionel Terray

The joy of every mountaineers is not only reaching a new summit, it's every story before the pinnacle, the much needed  'keep on keeping on' you tell yourself when you're on the verge of giving up, the people you climb along with, the knowing that no personal mountain is high or low enough for the Father in heaven, a more  intimate experience with the creator, a deeper understanding of once capacity and the reaching of personal limits. 

"Climbing is as close as we can come to flying."
-- Margaret Young, aviator and alpinist

I was one of those who wanted to be like the Eagle. And because I know my limitations I'm okay with just being a flight attendant, but much to my dismay I was not tall enough. Anything that flies amazes me, it's either I want to be it or I want to be in it. But the Lord has a better plan for me and with all my heart I'm for it, whatever it is I'm there. But for now, let me climb another mountain.

Every climb is saying yes to living the days fully, a seeking for more first time astonishments, a more lost for words occurrence, a humbling reminder that the world owes you nothing but it would be good if you would be around to witness it's becoming.

The kiss of the sun, the breath of fresh air blowing my hair back, the touch of green in the palm of my hand and the smell of fresh Bermudas and at once i knew; i was not magnificent. I am but a receiver of a much higher glory. What I see in front of me I am blessed enough to perceive. I will live and live for that glory I know, for once again I have become my Fathers daughter. 

"The bizarre trend in mountaineers is not the risk they take, but the large degree to which they value life. They are not crazy because they don't dare, they're crazy because they do. These people tend to enjoy life to the fullest, laugh the hardest, travel the most, and work the least." Lisa Morgan

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